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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - straight


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Перевод с английского языка straight на русский

1) прямая линия 2) прямолинейный участок (дороги)
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  1) двоичный натуральный 2) непосредственно 3) непосредственный 4) непростреленный 5) неразбавленный 6) неразветвленный 7) прямо 8) прямой 9) прямолинейный 10) чистый climb straight ahead — набор высоты по прямой doubly straight line — сдвоенная прямая draw straight line — проводить прямую equation of straight line — уравнение прямой fall on straight line — укладываться на прямой family of straight lines — семейство пучок прямых motion in straight line — прямолинейное движение move in a straight line — двигаться по прямой move in straight lines — двигаться по прямым линиям straight binary code — двоичный натуральный код straight diffusion battery — цепная диффузионная батарея straight envelope line — огибающая прямая straight line fitting — построение прямой по точкам straight pipe coupling — прямая муфта straight web piling bar — прямой шпунт two-intercept equation of straight line — уравнение прямой в отрезках - in straight lines - in straight polarity - straight anchorage - straight angle - straight arc - straight ascendancy - straight bit - straight chain - straight characteristic - straight code - straight cylinder - straight flight - straight hole - straight joing - straight joint - straight limestone - straight multiple - straight poker - straight reception - straight run - straight scale - straight scraper - straight share - straight space - straight spanner - straight splice - straight tap - straight trajectory - straight wing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. прямой, непосредственный, пропорциональный - euro straight - on straight business terms - straight bill of lading - straight line Ant: crooked STRAIGHT сущ. 1) общ. традиционность (образа жизни) 2) полигр. прямая склейка 3) эк. без скидки (о цене) 4) фин. =straight bond ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  прямой ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (the straight; тк. в ед. ч.) прямизна out of the straight —- кривой 2. прямая линия on the straight —- по прямой 3. спорт. финишная прямая back straight —- прямая, противоположная финишной прямой 4. честность on the straight —- жарг. честно I am on the straight —- я честно говорю, действую и т. п. 5. карт. карты, подобранные подряд по достоинству, "порядок", "стрит" (в покере) 6. нормальный человек, обыватель, мещанин 7. прямой, неизогнутый straight line —- прямая линия the straightest way to —- самый прямой путь в (к) straight back —- прямая (несгорбленная) спина 8. не отклоняющийся от курса, не сходящий с дороги; беспрерывный straight course —- прямой курс straight flight —- полет по прямой straight run —- беспосадочный полет 9. невьющийся straight hair —- прямые волосы 10. авт. с цилиндрами в ряд (о двигателе) 11. правильный, ровный; находящийся в порядке your tie isn't straight —- ваш галстук сбился набок straight eye —- верный глаз straight gunner —- меткий наводчик straight blow —- прямой удар (бокс) 12. разг. честный, прямой, искренний straight question —- прямой вопрос straight dealing(s) —- честность, честное ведение дел to be straight in one's dealings —- быть честным в своих делах to keep straight —- оставаться честным; вести честный (правильный) образ жизни straight talk —- откровенный разговор, разговор...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  from the shoulder сплеча; прямо, без обиняков, откровенно STRAIGHT face бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо STRAIGHT A круглое отлично STRAIGHT  1. adj.  1) прямой, неизогнутый  2) прямой, невьющийся (о волосах)  3) правильный; ровный; находящийся в порядке; straight eye - верный глаз, хороший глазомер; put the picture straight - поправьте картину; to put a room straight - привести комнату в порядок; is my hat on straight? - у меня шляпа правильно надета?; to put things straight - привести дела в порядок  4) честный, прямой, искренний; a straight question - прямой вопрос; straight talk - откровенный разговор; straight fight -  а) честный бой;  б) polit. (предвыборная) борьба, в которой участвуют только два кандидата; straight speaking - искренность; прямота; to keep straight - оставаться честным  5) coll. надежный, верный; straight tip - сведения из достоверных источников  6) amer.; polit. неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии; преданный своей партии; to vote the straight ticket - голосовать за список кандидатов своей партии  7) amer. неразбавленный; straight whisky - неразбавленное виски  8) amer.; coll. поштучный (о цене); cigars ten cents straight - сигары стоимостью десять центов за штуку  2. adv.  1) прямо, по прямой линии; to ride straight - ехать напрямик; to hit straight - нанести прямой удар  2)...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a extending uniformly in the same direction; without a curve or bend etc. b Geom. (of a line) lying on the shortest path between any two of its points. 2 successive, uninterrupted (three straight wins). 3 in proper order or place or condition; duly arranged; level, symmetrical (is the picture straight?; put things straight). 4 honest, candid; not evasive (a straight answer). 5 (of thinking etc.) logical, unemotional. 6 (of drama etc.) serious as opposed to popular or comic; employing the conventional techniques of its art form. 7 a unmodified. b (of a drink) undiluted. 8 colloq. (of music) classical. 9 colloq. a (of a person etc.) conventional or respectable. b heterosexual. 10 (of an arch) flat-topped. 11 (of a person's back) not bowed. 12 (of the hair) not curly or wavy. 13 (of a knee) not bent. 14 (of the legs) not bandy or knock-kneed. 15 (of a garment) not flared. 16 coming direct from its source. 17 (of an aim, look, blow, or course) going direct to the mark. --n. 1 the straight part of something, esp. the concluding stretch of a racecourse. 2 a straight condition. 3 a sequence of five cards in poker. 4 colloq. a conventional person; a heterosexual. --adv. 1 in a straight line; direct; without deviation or hesitation or circumlocution (came straight from Paris; I told them straight). 2 in the right direction, with a good aim (shoot straight). 3 correctly (can't see straight). 4 archaic at once or immediately. Phrases and idioms go straight live an honest life after being a criminal. the straight and narrow morally correct behaviour. straight angle an angle of 180(0). straight away at once; immediately. straight-bred not cross-bred. straight-cut (of tobacco) cut lengthwise into long silky fibres. straight-edge a bar with one edge accurately straight, used for testing. straight-eight 1 an internal-combustion engine with eight cylinders in line. 2 a vehicle having this. straight eye the ability to detect deviation from the straight. straight face an intentionally expressionless face, esp. avoiding a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English streght, ~, from past participle of strecchen to stretch — more at stretch  Date: 14th century  1.  a. free from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities ~ hair ~ timber  b. generated by a point moving continuously in the same direction and expressed by a linear equation a ~ line the ~ segment of a curve  2.  a. lying along or holding to a direct or proper course or method a ~ thinker  b. candid, frank a ~ answer  c. coming directly from a trustworthy source a ~ tip on the horses  d.  (1) having the elements in an order the ~ sequence of events  (2) consecutive 12 ~ days  e. having the cylinders arranged in a single ~ line a ~ 8-cylinder engine  f. plumb, vertical the picture isn't quite ~  3.  a. exhibiting honesty and fairness ~ dealing  b. properly ordered or arranged set the kitchen ~ set us ~ on that issue; also correct get the facts ~  c. free from extraneous matter ; unmixed ~ whiskey  d. marked by no exceptions or deviations in support of a principle or party votes a ~ Democratic ticket  e. having a fixed price for each regardless of the number sold  f. not deviating from an indicated pattern writes ~ humor a ~-A student  g.  (1) exhibiting no deviation from what is established or accepted as usual, normal, or proper ; conventional; also square 5f  (2) not using or under the influence of drugs or alcohol  h. heterosexual  4. being the only form of remuneration on ~ commission  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century in a ~ manner came ~ home from work  III. transitive verb  Date: 15th century chiefly Scottish ~en  IV. noun  Date: 1645  1. something that is ~: as  a. a ~ line or arrangement  b. ~away; especially homestretch  c. a true or honest report or course  2.  a. a sequence (as of shots, strokes, or moves) resulting in a perfect score in a game or contest  b. first place at the finish of a horse race ; win  3. a poker hand containing five cards in...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (straighter, straightest, straights) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A straight line or edge continues in the same direction and does not bend or curve. Keep the boat in a straight line... Using the straight edge as a guide, trim the cloth to size... There wasn’t a single straight wall in the building. ADJ • Straight is also an adverb. Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot... ADV: ADV after v 2. Straight hair has no curls or waves in it. Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. You use straight to indicate that the way from one place to another is very direct, with no changes of direction. The ball fell straight to the feet of Klinsmann... He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me... Straight ahead were the low cabins of the motel. ADV: ADV prep/adv 4. If you go straight to a place, you go there immediately. As always, we went straight to the experts for advice... ADV: ADV prep/adv 5. If you give someone a straight answer, you answer them clearly and honestly. What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer. ADJ: ADJ n • Straight is also an adverb. I lost my temper and told him straight that I hadn’t been looking for any job. ADV: ADV after v 6. Straight means following one after the other, with no gaps or intervals. They’d won 12 straight games before they lost. ADJ: ADJ n • Straight is also an adverb. He called from Weddington, having been there for 31 hours straight. ADV: n ADV 7. A straight choice or a straight fight involves only two people or things. It’s a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs... ADJ: ADJ n 8. If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are normal and conventional, for example in their opinions and in the way they live. Dorothy was described as a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job. ADJ 9. If you describe...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv 1 »IN A STRAIGHT LINE« moving in a straight line  (straight ahead/at/down/in front of etc)  (The book is on the table straight in front of you. | She was looking straight at me. | We're stuck in the middle of the road with this truck heading straight towards us. | She walked straight past me. | Terry was so tired he couldn't walk straight. | The cat sat in front of him, its tail stretched out straight.) 2 »IMMEDIATELY« + adj/adv immediately or without delay  (straight to/after/down/back etc)  (Let's get straight down to business. | Go straight home and tell your mother. | We can meet straight after lunch.) 3 »ONE AFTER THE OTHER« happening one after the other in a series, especially an unusually long series  (He's been without sleep now for three days straight.) 4 »SEE/THINK« if you cannot think or see straight, you cannot think or see clearly  (Turn the radio down, I can't think straight.) 5 tell sb straight/straight out spoken to tell someone something clearly without trying to hide your meaning  (She told him straight out that she wouldn't work on Saturday. | straight to his/her face)  (I'll tell him straight to his face what I think of him.) 6 go straight informal to stop being a criminal and live an honest life  (Tony's been trying to go straight for about six months.) 7 straight off also straight away BrE spoken immediately or at once  (I guessed it was you straight off.) 8 straight up BrE spoken a) used to ask someone if they are telling the truth  ("The shoes cost -250." "Straight up?") b) used to emphasize that what you are saying is true  (I don't know where she is, straight up.) 9 straight from the shoulder AmE informal expressed plainly and directly, without trying to avoid unpleasantness 10 damn straight AmE spoken used to explain that something is completely true or right  (Damn straight that's good.) ~2 adj 1 »NOT BENDING OR CURVING« something such as a line or road that is straight goes in one direction and does not bend or curve  (Anne loved Rome with its open spaces and long straight avenues....
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  non-prof. org. abbr. The Society To Remove All Immoral Godless Homosexual Trash ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - adjective use of O.E. streht (altered, by analogy with streccan, from earlier streaht), pp. of streccan "to stretch" (see stretch). Meaning "true, direct, honest" is from 1530. Sense of "undiluted, uncompromising" (straight whiskey) is Amer.Eng., first recorded 1874. Meaning "conventional," especially "heterosexual," first recorded 1941 (but this may actually be from strait-laced; see strait). Show biz slang straight man first attested 1923. Straightforward first recorded 1806. Go straight in the underworld slang sense is from 1919. Straight arrow "decent, conventional person" is 1969, from archetypal Native American brave name. Straight face first recorded 1897; straight shooter is from 1928; straight-edge is 1990s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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